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Field Study to the Big Island, ADB-Japan Scholarship Program Leadership Certificate Field Study to the Big Island, ADB-Japan Scholarship Program Leadership Certificate
In-person In-person
Gretchen Alther
808 944 7765 808 944 7765
During their 2019 Spring Break, EWC's ADB-Japan graduate degree fellows will travel to Hawai‛i's Big Island, where they will explore the roles that leaders play in sustaining community resilience and building peace. The team, together with EWC's Leadership and Education Program staff and Hawai‛i-based EWC alumni, will look at William Ury's "Third Side" model of conflict transformation and explore its applicability to issues causing tension among and within communities, as well as communities and the natural world. The field study will encourage participants to gain a deeper appreciation of these issues while also considering their own current and near-term opportunities to help transform conflict. During their 2019 Spring Break, EWC's ADB-Japan graduate degree fellows will travel to Hawai‛i's Big Island, where they will explore the roles that leaders play in sustaining community resilience and building peace. The team, together with EWC's Leadership and Education Program staff and Hawai‛i-based EWC alumni, will look at William Ury's "Third Side" model of conflict transformation and explore its applicability to issues causing tension among and within communities, as well as communities and the natural world. The field study will encourage participants to gain a deeper appreciation of these issues while also considering their own current and near-term opportunities to help transform conflict.