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Modernizing Malaysia's Traditional Fisheries: An EWC Program with BRIQUE #DEMILAUT Modernizing Malaysia's Traditional Fisheries: An EWC Program with BRIQUE #DEMILAUT
Virtual Virtual
Lance Boyd
(808) 944-7477 (808) 944-7477

Breaking Silos with #EWCInnovationFellows 2021 Episode 2

Modernizing Malaysia's Traditional Fisheries: An EWC Program with BRIQUE #DEMILAUT

Thursday, July 29, 2021 | 12:00-12:40am, Hawaii
Thursday, July 29, 2021 | 06:00-06:40pm, Singapore & Malaysia


This webinar features an EWC program in Malaysia with Brique #DemiLaut, where participants will learn about a social enterprise by Brique Engineering Solutions. Empowered by Shell LiveWIRE since 2018 and United Nation Development Program recently, Brique #DemiLaut has grown into a unique social enterprise that benefits not only the traditional artisan fishermen but also the marine sustainability and the food security concerns. Today, Brique #DemiLaut is looking to establish strategic partnerships to achieve its goal of digitalizing and empowering these fishermen to make that difference in a greenfield industry, the small-scale fisheries.

Featured Speaker:





Breaking Silos with #EWCInnovationFellows 2021 Episode 2

Modernizing Malaysia's Traditional Fisheries: An EWC Program with BRIQUE #DEMILAUT

Thursday, July 29, 2021 | 12:00-12:40am, Hawaii
Thursday, July 29, 2021 | 06:00-06:40pm, Singapore & Malaysia


This webinar features an EWC program in Malaysia with Brique #DemiLaut, where participants will learn about a social enterprise by Brique Engineering Solutions. Empowered by Shell LiveWIRE since 2018 and United Nation Development Program recently, Brique #DemiLaut has grown into a unique social enterprise that benefits not only the traditional artisan fishermen but also the marine sustainability and the food security concerns. Today, Brique #DemiLaut is looking to establish strategic partnerships to achieve its goal of digitalizing and empowering these fishermen to make that difference in a greenfield industry, the small-scale fisheries.

Featured Speaker:

