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Smart City Air Quality Management in Viet Nam Smart City Air Quality Management in Viet Nam
In-person In-person
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Sumeet Saksena

Cities in Asia are moving rapidly to develop the technical infrastructure needed to become ‘smart’. There has been less progress, however, in developing the knowledge of how hardware and software can actually be applied to manage environmental quality in terms of urban planning, governance, community empowerment, and other issues. This highly multi-disciplinary and transdisciplinary meeting aims to create a network of local stakeholders across Ha Noi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. The network will engage itself in co-creating and co-designing proposals for applied policy research.

Cities in Asia are moving rapidly to develop the technical infrastructure needed to become ‘smart’. There has been less progress, however, in developing the knowledge of how hardware and software can actually be applied to manage environmental quality in terms of urban planning, governance, community empowerment, and other issues. This highly multi-disciplinary and transdisciplinary meeting aims to create a network of local stakeholders across Ha Noi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. The network will engage itself in co-creating and co-designing proposals for applied policy research.