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YSEALI-EWC Virtual Institute Spring 2021 YSEALI-EWC Virtual Institute Spring 2021
Virtual Virtual
Lance Boyd
(808)944-7477 (808)944-7477

YSEALI-EWC Spring 2021 Virtual Institute Fellows 


Given the global pandemic, many of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) fellows had already completed a significant virtual engagement with the EWC. The 2021 virtual program builds on this foundation offering fellows new opportunities for learning, collaboration, and networking. 

Taking into account the critical importance of mastering digital skills in the “new normal”, the 2021 virtual program offers a more interactive use of online platforms for learning as well as increasing the visibility of YSEALI through integrating the fellows into a series of eight (8) debates on the Breaking Silos program founded by Singapore based EWC/YSEALI alumna Sofiah Jamil. Resources will also be provided on how to communicate articulately, and pitch for funding effectively. Prof Doris Masser from University of Hawaii will also conduct two skills-based webinars international business marketing, and fund/grant management for social impact business development.

private social learning group in Facebook will enable candid sharings amongst the cohort. While selected sessions will be offered synchronously, we recognize that times will not be convenient for all fellows, and that some may experience challenges of connectivity. As a result, Breaking Silos debates will be recorded for future viewing.


Sofiah JAMIL, Co-Founder of Hornbills: Concepts and Communications

Doris CARINI, Co-Founder of the


YSEALI-EWC Spring 2021 Virtual Institute Fellows 


Given the global pandemic, many of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) fellows had already completed a significant virtual engagement with the EWC. The 2021 virtual program builds on this foundation offering fellows new opportunities for learning, collaboration, and networking. 

Taking into account the critical importance of mastering digital skills in the “new normal”, the 2021 virtual program offers a more interactive use of online platforms for learning as well as increasing the visibility of YSEALI through integrating the fellows into a series of eight (8) debates on the Breaking Silos program founded by Singapore based EWC/YSEALI alumna Sofiah Jamil. Resources will also be provided on how to communicate articulately, and pitch for funding effectively. Prof Doris Masser from University of Hawaii will also conduct two skills-based webinars international business marketing, and fund/grant management for social impact business development.

private social learning group in Facebook will enable candid sharings amongst the cohort. While selected sessions will be offered synchronously, we recognize that times will not be convenient for all fellows, and that some may experience challenges of connectivity. As a result, Breaking Silos debates will be recorded for future viewing.


Sofiah JAMIL, Co-Founder of Hornbills: Concepts and Communications

Doris CARINI, Co-Founder of the