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2019 UISFL Faculty Development Core Course Workshop on Enhancing Undergraduate Chinese Language and Culture Studies 2019 UISFL Faculty Development Core Course Workshop on Enhancing Undergraduate Chinese Language and Culture Studies
In-person In-person
Dr. Robert Foster

The workshop aims to advance Chinese studies and develop core courses in Chinese studies and infuse significant Chinese content into existing courses in the humanities and social sciences.  Drs. Cathryn Clayton, Andrew Wilson and Peter Hershock present content-based sessions in a seminar-like setting at Berea College to team members and other interested faculty members and students.

The workshop aims to advance Chinese studies and develop core courses in Chinese studies and infuse significant Chinese content into existing courses in the humanities and social sciences.  Drs. Cathryn Clayton, Andrew Wilson and Peter Hershock present content-based sessions in a seminar-like setting at Berea College to team members and other interested faculty members and students.