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Office of the President

Message from EWC President Vuylsteke on Racial Justice

In a message on racial injustice, EWC President Richard Vuylsteke writes that "recent events in the US have galvanized people around the world to call for true racial justice. Now we must act."

Jun 5, 2020

Communications & External Relations

Remembering Former EWC Vice President Wesley Park

The EWC community was saddened by the passing of former EWC VP Wesley T. Park. A well-known Honolulu business leader and supporter of the arts, he served as the Center’s VP of Administration 1982-89.

Jul 23, 2019

Communications & External Relations

Aloha, I.M. Pei

The East-West Center offers deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of internationally famed architect I.M. Pei, who passed away today at age 102.

May 16, 2019